When Bloggers Leave…


I was dismayed this week to discover that one of my favorite bloggers, HocusPocus13, a.k.a. “Jinx” has left the building.

Jinx was a voracious blogger and re-blogger. In addition to her own really cool and unique posts, she also scoured WordPress for the best of the best. Jinx often put up as many as 20-30 posts a day, all containing a bit of magic. Her motto was “path to a more productive life.” Her wise words were full of sound advice, scintillating spells, yummy recipes, beauty and creativity.

Over the past few days, I noticed there had been nothing posted by HocusPocus13 in my feed. This was unusual. Perhaps she was slowing down the pace? Maybe she was on vacation, or had taken a brief hiatus? (After all, blogging can be hard work!)

Upon further investigation, and much to my dismay, I found out that her site had been deleted. No warning, no reason, just disappeared like a result of the spell-work she so fondly purported.

Ah well.

This is cyberspace. Bloggers, Twitter posts, Instagram hits come and go, quickly as changing weather. Society in cyberspace is sporadic and erratic. We rely upon the fickle nature of satellites, nodes and WiFi crisscrossing to bring us together.

In reality,  what are we? A combination of electricity and Ram, motherboards and mother’s wombs, fragments of ethernet and memory.  Stardust.

And yet.

Just how ‘virtual’ is virtual reality? Some spiritualists and channelers now believe we are creating a new dimension within cyberspace, something between physical and non-physical, yet every bit as solid and real as what we have known before.  At any rate, I can’t help but feel a sense of loss when one of us leaves.

So Jinx, if by some chance you happen to read this, know you were appreciated, your blog was Important and you are greatly missed!

This goes for bloggers everywhere. Whatever message you are communicating into the great wide stratosphere, please know:  IT MATTERS.

Somewhere, someone is reading you. You are bringing a bit of insight, a bit of connection, a bit of horror or humor or courage or controversy into someone’s otherwise dreary day. Your unique perspective is contributing to our world.

Your thoughts matter. Your words matter. Your ideas and opinions matter.

WordPress Warriors, keep on bloggin’!  (And if you do decide to leave, for goodness sake, let someone know!)  🙂

“Words are, of course, the most powerful thing used by mankind.” — William Shakespeare





Fun With Four


about yourself


This is in response to Vicky V’s blog: A Study In Fours

Four names people call me other than my real name:
Ms. V
Aunt Krissy
The Rabbit

Four Movies I’ve Watched More Than Once:
Midnight in Paris
Last Tango in Paris
A Streetcar Named Desire                                                                                                                 Interview With The Vampire


Four Books Or Authors I’d Recommend:
Anything by William Shakespeare
Anything by Anne Rice
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott Fitzgerald
On the Road by Jack Kerouac

Four Places I’ve Lived:
Only ever the Midwest, U.S. A.

Four Places I’ve Visited:
England  (for Shakespeare, Stonehenge and more)
Paris  (hoping to time travel back to 1920’s, hmmm…)
Spain ( for Flamenco, Tapas, and general all night hell raising)
New Orleans (because it is the best place on earth!)



Four Things I’d Rather Be Doing Right Now:                                                                         I am  writing, aren’t I?  So this is pretty good 🙂

Four foods I don’t like:
I like everything!!!

Four of my favorite foods: 
I like everything!!!

Four Shows I Watch: 
Game of Thrones
American Horror Story


Four Things I’m Looking Forward To This Year: 
Spending time with animals
Hiking/ swimming
My ‘to read’ list

Four Things I’m Always Saying:
It’s possible.
It’s OK.
Everything is the opposite of what it seems to be.
“To thine own self be true.” (Will’s line, not mine.)

***  If you like this and want to join in the fun, consider yourself tagged! ***   Just copy and paste to your own blog and fill in your own answers.

I can’t wait to read All About You, my pretty ones 🙂
