Which Cat Breed is Your Spirit Animal?


Today, April 11, we celebrate National Pet Day!  Of course, every day is a great day to celebrate our furry, winged, webbed and scaled friends.  I love all animals! And, as you might know, I am partial to cats.  In honor of Pet Day, I thought it might be fun to offer this quiz.

Cats come in all shapes, sizes, temperments and personalities.  Which breed of cat would best represent your soul?  Is your spirit cat the slick, refined Siamese? The wild and untamed Bengal? The tail-less Manx, the hairless Peterbald, or perhaps the exotic Scottish Fold?

Take the quiz to find out! Let me know your results.

CLICK HERE to take the quiz.


My spirit cat is, apparently, the Maine Coon. Yeah, I can see that… totally.  Who wouldn’t want him for a soul-guide? 🙂

Main Coon: As a Maine Coon cat, you are the most noble and majestic of beasts. You know how to behave in front of people, you always know what to say and when to say it, and you can adapt yourself easily in new environments. You are polite, laid back, respect traditions, and love the people around you.

Happy National Pet’s Day! Always be kind to your pets 🙂

25 comments on “Which Cat Breed is Your Spirit Animal?

  1. There were so many ads I couldn’t do the quiz. I literally couldn’t see the questions. WordPress really has a problem with these stupid ads.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Nettle's Cat says:

    As a Tabby cat, while common you are anything but! You are very intelligent and cautious, you have a very good memory and never forget things people said or did to you (especially the bad ones). You are generally a loving person, but only to a few people you’ve known your whole life. You don’t like changes, or being forced to adapt to new environments.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. TheSpookySasha says:

    I got Bengal cat. Sounds about like me- plus I’ve seriously always wanted one of those cats 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Susan says:

    As a Bengal cat, you are wild and fun-loving. You’re always exploring and investigating. They are wild and sometimes crazy. They have strong opinions and don’t give into arguments. Most Bengals (but not all) are active and exercise regularly. You are unique and stand out from the crowd.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. poeturja says:

    Loved this but can’t understand how I could be a Siamese. Maybe because I’m really a dog, a terrier actually? Will retake it tomorrow after 3 cups of coffee but will definitely pass the quiz along to my cat friends. 😄

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Vicky V says:

    I got Tabby:
    As a Tabby cat, while common you are anything but! You are very intelligent and cautious, you have a very good memory and never forget things people said or did to you (especially the bad ones). You are generally a loving person, but only to a few people you’ve known your whole life. You don’t like changes, or being forced to adapt to new environments.

    This fits me as I never forget, especially the bad stuff! Plus the circle of friends that I really like is quite small 🙂

    I can picture you as a Maine Coon. I absolutely love them – they are one of my favourite cats!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I adore animals, basically I am a dog person, I have a little brown Boston who, is outrageously spoiled. I love the Maine Coon, how beautiful can a creature be? If I were to imagine myself as a cat I might be a Persian, the only breed of cat I have ever owned.

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